Saturday, June 30, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 29 June 2012

AI fantasy football manager picks a winning team

An artificial fantasy football manager has come in the top one per cent of players just by analysing statistics

Calling the next Trevor Baylis

Wind-up radios helped changed the developing world. The search is now on for similar cheap technologies to aid sustainable development, says Ulrike Wahl

Earth's oldest impact crater found in Greenland

A gigantic asteroid smashed into Greenland 3 billion years ago, making the crater it left behind the oldest on Earth - but the finding is controversial

Giant living power cables let bacteria respire

Bacteria living in sulphur-rich mud respire by organising themselves into living power cables

Cyborg makes art using seventh sense

Meet the colour-blind man with a prosthetic eyepiece that allows him to "see" colours as sounds - and create unique artworks out of them

Shaking metallic grains turns them into tunable laser

The unorthodox laser could lead to crisper medical images and help unlock the mysterious behaviour of granular materials such as sand dunes and avalanches

Wanna be the leader? You gotta have friends

Macaque groups simply follow their mates, so the macaque with the best connections automatically becomes leader

World's thinnest screen created from soap bubble

See a new display made from soap film that can mimic different textures and create vivid 3D projections

Feedback: Uncertain in Llanfair PG

Hamster weight wanting, heights of absurdity, new fossil surprise, and more

Praying mantis bot has extra-nimble legs

A robot limb based on the versatile forelegs of the praying mantis could be used to walk, grab objects and manipulate them

Does solitary confinement breach the Eighth Amendment?

As a US congressional hearing considers whether solitary confinement constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, evidence of its psychological damage grows

Don't fence us in: Modern-day land grabs

From Midwest "missionaries" to Wall Street speculators, investors are grabbing massive swathes of common land, says Fred Pearce, especially in Africa

TV and radio signals take over when GPS goes wrong

The broadcast signals we take for granted can provide a very effective backup for the global positioning system

First private space telescope may hunt asteroids

The non-profit B612 Foundation announced plans today to launch a space telescope later this decade that will search for dangerous asteroids

Oldest pottery hints at cooking's ice-age origins

Fragments of pots from a Chinese cave are 20,000 years old, and may have been used to cook food during the depths of the last ice age

Titan's tides reveal hidden ocean that could host life

Combined with its organic resources, abundant liquid water could make Saturn's moon prime real estate for alien life - but that depends on the state of the ocean

Zoologger: Fish with elephant's nose and crystal eyes

Peters' elephantnose fish doesn't just have a trunk that detects electric fields, it has bizarre eyes that have adapted to its murky lifestyle


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