Monday, July 30, 2012

Raising Asperger's Kids: Practicality: Not Becoming and Autism-Only ...

One of the major aspects of parenting a child with an autism spectrum disorder is trying to figure out how NOT to become a one-topic family. It really does not have to be all autism all the time. I make sure to tell parents that if they liked reading non-autism related books before diagnosis, keep reading these novels. If you liked to play golf, shoot hoops, needlepoint or knit then keep doing that. If you liked getting manis and pedis keep doing that. Go out with your spouse and get a cup of coffee together and don't talk about autism. If you volunteered for a charity keep helping out the needy.? Problem is, people tell me is that I can give this advice its just so much harder to put into effect...guess what ...yes it really is...

Now remember I am talking about when your child is first diagnosed, not how an adult should or would handle their own diagnosis. I am told, for many adults the diagnosis comes as a relief and they wholeheartedly embrace their autism. They throw themselves into understanding themselves by understanding everything they can about autism. I am in no way telling these adults what to do, how to feel or how to approach their autism. For them this is a very personal decision and not something anyone else (NT or autistic)? has a right to dictate.

What I am going to discuss here is how you the parent should? act and what you need to do in order for it not to be "all autism all the time." The reality is, that in the very beginning it is all autism all the time. How could it not be? When you finally get that diagnosis for your child, your instinct as the parent is to try to find ways to help your offspring. You need, you want , you are compelled to find out everything you can about autism so that you understand how to help your child. You want to "fix" everything. You want to make everything better and if not better than more manageable, less painful and confusing for your child.

So yes in the very beginning you delve not the world of autism. Your home becomes a sensory friendly environment. Your refrigerator is full of foods and drinks that you are told may be helpful. You make sure that when you go out that there will be a minimal of sensory issues. You look for "autism-friendly" movie theaters, play groups and schools. Good. This is what you are supposed to do.


You also need to remember that not everything in the world is about autism and as I like to say, your child is more than autism. The child who liked to draw before diagnosis is still the child who liked to draw. The child who liked to write stories is still the child who liked to write stories. The child who liked to ride his bike or play on the jungle gym is still the same child. The child who liked to swim before diagnosis is still the same water-fish. Autism didn't give them the ability to do these things, it may make their perspectives or their ability to analyze a project different than say an typical child, but it is not the autism that gives them their talent, their drive or their gifts. Harness these gifts as gifts. Not as an outgrowth of autism.

I used to have a group of friends, all of us have children on the spectrum.? We were at one time our own little support group. Well one of these friends everytime her son did something would say it was because of the autism. When he swam it was because autistic children liked being in the water. When he listened to classical music it was because autistic children are calmed by this type of music. This attitude used to drive a third member of our group to distraction. She would tell me how much she hated that perspective. Everything that our children do is not because of autism, she would say. Honestly I think this difference, among other realities, led to the breakup of our little group. We expected more from our sons, while the autism-encapsulated-mom not only decided everything was due to autism, but autism was also a great excuse for her as well.

While you recognize that your child is still your child after diagnosis you must remember that YOU are still you after diagnosis too. Yes read as much about autism as you possibly can. Make sure you know about the laws and what programs do and do not work for a child on the spectrum. Understand medical advice and the latest technologies to help your child. Delve deeply into this world. You do have to.....but then...

1. Make sure you have a place in your house that belongs to you and you alone.
? ? ? ? ? When the boys were little and everything about the house was an autism friendly environment, my parents bought me a little black and white television for the kitchen. They told me that I needed to stay connected to the real world. Watch the news they said while I make dinner. It was the best advice. It's why I post information about other topics even on this blog from time to time. You must stay connected to the wider world.
?????????? Have a chair or an area in your bedroom for makeup, and a closet for "nicer" clothes.
?????????? Make sure that you still continue to use face cream and even a little make-up if you want.
?????????? Get your hair cut every few months,? if you can't afford a mani and pedi, then get a manicure at least once a month. Have someone wait on you for a change.Yes the husband can stay with the children for an hour or two while you do this. The hubby will survive and so will the children. Even before we knew that the boys were on the spectrum, I would leave the husband with them for several hours on a weekend day and go do something myself, even if it was only food shopping. They can handle the children and you are allowed some alone time. It's good that they truly learn to understand what your day is really like too. (Listen I understand that not everybody has a partner, but try to find someone to watch the children for a few hours a week if you can or even every other week. Many call it respite, I call it your right to be an adult.)
?????????? Find time to exercise. Even if its no more than going for a walk. Or buy a DVD and have the children do it with you while you are home. Or when they go to school instead of doing the laundry or cleaning the toilets, do some exercise. It's only 30 minutes out of the day.

2. Charity and volunteering
?????????? If you liked to volunteer for your church, synagogue, mosque, or temple before diagnosis still do. If you spent time with the Untied Way or local homeless shelter, still do. I spent time volunteering for a law group that went into schools to teach middle school students about their rights and obligations. I created seminars for my local school about the constitution and coordinated this history with the appropriate school curriculum. I created an ethics seminar for my synagogues education program (the children didn't like the class so it got scrubbed) but heck simply try and teach Sunday school.
? ? ? ? ?? If you wanted to help out with the PTA still do and don't just do it for the special education committee. I purposely did not volunteer for the special education committee while the boys were in school. I helped out as class parent, party coordinator, welcoming committee chair, publishing center support, library aide, and even treasurer of the high school PTA (that one was a hoot since I still can't balance my own checkbook.) People used to ask my why I never participated in the special ed committee and I answered truthfully, that it was important that people see our family as more than an autism family. People needed to see the boys as more than autism or us as more than just a special needs family. Remember society knows that your special needs child takes more money and more effort than a typical school child and it is nice when you can be seen as giving back to the community for something that other people's children can use...seriously a higher percentage of their tax dollars do go to help your child too...
?????????? By the way, this attitude goes for your children in the long run as well. When the boys could join after school clubs I had them join the local volunteer organizations. They helped out by collecting food for the local food bank, collecting childrens books for a local homeless shelter, making posters for? local charity events, raising awareness about the genocide in Darfur, lately they have helped a local horse therapy barn with some construction (they did not see it as an extension of their autism, this project was for Martin Luther King, Jr service day) and this summer they are interning at a local charity doing data entry and what ever else is needed. I had them help out with charity events at our synagogue when they were younger too. If your religious organization has youth groups sign your child up too.
?????????? Now I did and still am a volunteer parent advocate in my town. I am there to help parents of newly diagnosed children and to shepherd them through the education process if they want. But it is done privately with the school district. My name is not on a roster nor is my name part of the CSE committee members. My services are just offered when a parent applies for an evaluation. Listen, I said do other things besides autism or special needs, I didn't say don't help others if you can....

3. Your professional and education life
?????????? I will admit right away that I am one of those very lucky women who could chose to stay home with my children. The hubby earned enough money that we were able to give the boys what they needed. OK, I will also admit it, we have an obscene amount of debt too. But that just goes with the territory of special needs parenting I think. The issue for me was who would do a better job at raising the boys, me or a stranger. Luckily I really didn't have to think? too long about this issue. Hats off to the single-special-needs-parent or any working-parent-couple of special needs children. Coordinating that reality is something I never had to face and I am not certain what I would have done.
? ? ? ? ? ? Remember too, if you are one of those parents who goes to work, its OK to like what you do and to be away from home for awhile as well. It's just fine to think about your professional life and to care about your professional future. Don't guilt yourself. I have friends of typical children who love to work because they like having daily grown-up conversations. These people like that they inhabit two worlds and not just one. Being a special needs parents doesn't mean you can't and shouldn't feel the same.
? ? ? ? ? ? But for those of us who do stay home, another way to not becoming inundated with autism is to remember that you were trained in a profession and have some skill sets that are very important. After the boys were diagnosed I decided that I needed to continue with my professional life. I actually had never passed the Bar Exam in the state and I decided to try again. I bought an on-line study course and I coordinated my program. I studied between therapy appointments, laundry, cooking, food shopping and mommy-taxi time. I studied with two small children either sitting on my lap or sitting next to me. And yes I passed. It was something I had to do for myself. Have I ever really practiced law? I tried part-time from home, but nope it really didn't work out at all. No, sometimes you really can't have it all.
?????????? Today there is so much on-line education and professional programs that you can continue to learn and practice your skills without actually leaving home. Remember that little corner of a room for your make-up and clothes....add a computer and/or text books. Don't stop learning and don't give up what you have learned.
? ? ? ? ? ? Also telecommuting is a major part of business today. Don't just give up everything you have worked for. Talk to your boss, see what you can work out. Or start a business from home. So many moms do it, especially in today's economy. You would not seem like the odd-person out. (I know I talk a good game, but in reality I still haven't figured out a business from home. As I said, I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.)

In truth there is alot you can do to not become an autism-only family. But this mainly depends on the time and effort you put into remaining a rounded person. It takes work to accomplish this goal. It will not happen simply because you want it to. In all honesty while your children are little, you will be more of an autism-only family. You are working on understanding and coordinating everything in their lives to set them on the right path. As they grow up and you see what they are also interested in and where their talents lay, you too can loosen the autism-strings and as they fly so can you. When you have more hours during the day to yourself, you will find that you can rediscover yourself as well.

Everything I mentioned in this post is not something I did or accomplished from the get-go. Initially as I wrote, my parents bought me a little television to stay connected to the world. That and studying and passing the bar are the two things that kept me in the wider-world. You need to understand that everything is incremental in this world and that the steps you take do not have to be huge ones either. For example: crossword puzzles. I love puzzles. For years everyday I did the New York Times crossword puzzle. That was my challenge and that was my escape, so to speak. Remember to keep yourself its the little things, not the big things that count.

This is also why I started the blog The Rediscovered Self. As an autism-parent I realized that so many of us forget ourselves and what gives us joy. We spend out lives worried and frightened for our children and what the future may hold for them. But you need to try not to live that way. Plan and coordinate as best you can. Do what you can for your children. But a depressed parent, a parent who forgets their own humanity will not be a help to their children ever.

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From B is for Balance:

Balance. I would have to say that that has probably been one of the hardest aspects of life with special needs children. Oh not that you don't balance their lives. Between therapies, doctors, school, "typical" activities and just plain doing nothing, we all seem to be able to balance our children's lives. What I am concerned about when I speak to many parents of special needs children is the ability of the parent to balance their lives.

Yes, when you have a child your obligation is to make sure that that child has every advantage in the world. Yes, as parent you have the obligation to provide, nurture and support your child as they grow, develop and mature. Yes as a parent you have the obligation to ensure that your children thrive.

The problem that happens though is that we forget that we too are entitled to grow, develop and thrive along with our children. You do not cease to be a person because you are a parent. You do not cease to be a person because you are a parent of a special needs child. You do not cease to have your likes, dislikes, needs and wants as well.

This is when the balancing becomes important. You need to find the time to remember that you too are a person. Now do I speak from experience of being able to balance my life? Absolutely not. I speak from experience of NOT? being able to balance my life. I speak from experience of demoting my own importance. Read this mea culpa to see how sorely lacking I am in this regard.

Listen it is not that you relegate your obligations and the love you have for your child to the back burner when you do something for yourself. It is merely making sure that you remember your own humanity. Now what exactly am I talking about?

What I am talking about is that YOU are allowed to go with a friend to get a cup of coffee without the children just like parents of typical children do. You are allowed to have lunch, go to a movie and even have a date with your spouse. I am talking about reading a newspaper or a book that has nothing to do with autism, but may be part of a hobby that YOU love. I am talking about that it is OK to get a manicure and a haircut. It is OK to buy yourself some makeup if that makes you feel better. It is OK for you to go for walks, exercise and eat food that you enjoy, not just eating the leftovers from your child's meal. It is OK that YOU are not subsumed by your child's special needs. It is OK to still be YOU.

Y is for You

?My Happiness Project

Don't Lose Yourself

Life May Suck, But Your Are Still a Human Being

Until next time,




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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Romney's VP Search Head Teases on Twitter

Beth Myers, the head of Mitt Romney's secretive vice presidential search, kept the mystery alive Friday when she gave a "Friday Follow" shout out to a number of potential running mates for the presumptive Republican nominee.

Tweeting from the handle @BethMyers2012, Myers, who only has one other tweet on her account, sent out a Friday Follow message with the names of six potential vice presidential contenders and one person most people don't even think is being considered for the number two spot.

" #FF @KellyAyotte @timpawlenty @GovChristie @BobbyJindal @marcorubio @RepPaulRyan @newtgingrich," Myers tweeted, spurring a flurry of speculation from reporters on Twitter about the names both on and off the list.

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But soon after, Myers, tweeted a second message, rounding out the list with more names widely considered to be on Romney's list.

" #FF @robportman @bobmcdonnell @CondoleezzaRice @johnthune @Gov_Martinez @RickSantorum."

That doesn't exactly narrow it down.

While Romney is on his foreign trip, the Romney campaign has dispatched a number of potential candidates, including Govs. Bobby Jindal, Bob McDonnell, and Tim Pawlenty, Sens. Rob Portman and Marco Rubio, and Rep. Paul Ryan to host events as a means of keeping his message in the news while he's abroad.

But with speculation about who Romney will select at a fever pitch, it seems like Myers may have been having a bit of fun at the expense of all the reporters dissecting every appearance, mention, and now tweets about Romney's future running mate. Thanks for nothing Beth Myers.

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Nokia E65 Quadband GSM cell mobile is the most suitable for cellular users in ought of cell home business capabilities. Wireless communications pioneer Motorola?s prime phones are created to match any man or women demands, for case in point the Motorola W375 Triband GSM type, or the Motorola V31 RaZR GSM. Sony Ericsson who are recognised for their excellence in imaging and layout designed the Sony Ericsson z-558i Triband with contact screen hand creating recognition options.Several beginner mobile end users who have tried to alteration company suppliers have located on their own annoyed when wanting to alteration program companies. unlock motorola Bravo gevey sim block. The greatest edge of an unlocked mobile mobile phone is that it allows for you to swap providers on the fly by purely inserting a new SIM card. You can unlock them if it has that potential by making contact with your assistance provider and for a small charge they will give you the accessibility code. There are a great many various styles of unlocked mobile phones that can fit any unique user?s would need. When you initial get your mobile and are setting it up for use, you will be requested to scan into the phone your still left and best index fingers. The cellphone will then try to get about three high quality readings of your prints and as soon as it is accomplished, you can unlock your phone via a brief reading through of your fingerprint ? how undeniably cool is that?

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An unlocked iPhone would imply that cell cell phone consumers would be capable to use the gadget on networks other than AT&T, a key promoting stage to consumers hesitant to spend the bucks on excessive-priced deal cancellation costs with their present-day non-AT&T supplier.use to locate the unlock motorola Atrix 4G free.If the iPhone is properly cracked, AT&T could perhaps have a devastating predicament on their palms. However, if members of other networks like as Verizon and T-Cell had been equipped to generate entry to iPhone provider because of their existing provider, AT&T will locate itself missing out on likely new users and the subsequent sales revenue they create. Well before deciding upon the cell phone that will most support your communications desires, you has to primary figure out what those people requires are. That is a determination you must you could try to make earlier than you decide which Motorola mobile cell phone is heading to get the job done greatest for you. Undoubtedly, a large amount of that will be determined by how chaotic you or your company is and how quite a bit time, then, you are paying out on the telephone. As for world-wide-web accessibility, how very important is your electronic mail? The vary in price tags is as large as the variety in attributes and functions. I?ve set this report together to save you from investing several hours Googling ?iPhone unlock software? like I have!The charges out there for this style of unlocking software array from around $50, all the way up to about $200! Perfectly if you are just about anything like me, you want to get the perfect benefit for your funds. This software is an very affordable $forty nine.


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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Iran and Syria make energy deals amid crisis

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian and Syrian officials entered into agreements this week on energy and water supply, Iranian news agencies reported, signaling continued cooperation between the two countries as the Syrian government battles an uprising within its borders.

A Syrian economic delegation has been touring Iran this week, and signed deals with Iranian officials on electricity exports from Iran to Syria, Fars news agency said on Friday.

Iran is a rare ally for Syria, which faces international condemnation over the government's crackdown on a sixteen-month rebellion that has in recent weeks reached its largest cities.

International sanctions levied against Iran for its disputed nuclear program have put enormous pressure on its economy, raising the specter of factory closures and higher unemployment.

Iran's energy minister, Majid Namjou, said this week Tehran was prepared to help Syria reconstruct damaged facilities such as power plants.

Syrian activists accuse government forces of shelling residential areas such as Homs, causing huge damage.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran will not leave Syria alone in such a difficult situation," Namjou was quoted as saying on Thursday by Iran's Press TV. Namjou met with Syrian electricity minister Imad Khamis and water resource minister Bassam Hanna, Press TV reported.

Iran will export 50 megawatts of electricity to Syria via Iraq, according to one of the agreements signed, and the two countries will also cooperate in waste and water management, Press TV reported.

(Reporting By Yeganeh Torbati; editing by James Jukwey)


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Who runs the SEO service? Is it one man and a dog in a shed in Droitwich, or a dedicated team of SEO professionals with years of experience, qualifications, accreditation and perhaps even reputable publications to their name? Look to an SEO service with a history of experience and expertise.

Effective Titles: Effective titles are one of the most important aspects of SEO strategy. Don?t get carried away with long words of titles an effective title should be fewer than 10 words and should describe your work for the visitors when they click on.


SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the today?s most popular Internet marketing technique used in the industry. It mainly uses the capability of search engines to bring traffic to a website. And because search engines are heavily used by users, as a means for searching information across the World Wide Web (WWW), SEO quickly became a very powerful Internet marketing technique.

In many cases it might seem that it is not worth employing an organic SEO company. However, it is extremely important to remember that while other companies provide results for a short term, some of the best SEO companies employing organic techniques provide long-term effects. The results might not be visible immediately; however, these come in handy on the long term.

The new Search Plus Your World (SYPW) search rankings by Google is an example of how search engines and social networking platforms keep introducing innovations with the intention of serving users better and providing a plan to dominate the search engine or social networking scene. Businesses may find it difficult to keep tabs on all this and implement the right website optimization strategies. This is why professional seo san diego services are necessary to increase your bottom line.

When you bring together the concepts of lead generation and lead capturing you touch upon a popular internet marketing concept known as list building. Generating hot leads using ultra targeted SEO, capturing those leads by offering them a freebie or cheap offer to get them to opt-into your mailing list, then marketing to them over and over again can be a business model in and of itself.

Among the most outstanding events that changed the world forever was the introduction of the internet in different fields of life. One of the most affected due to this was the field of business. The process of marketing changed immensely and companies started doing business online. In recent times, many of the companies prefer reaching out to their customers through their own business websites. They display different details of their products and services in their own website. Hence, for this they need to maintain these websites. In this regard, it will be important to seek search engine optimization or SEO companies.

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Only the Search Engine could provide promises and guarantees of the rankings that your site will attain. No SEO service can guarantee results. If people make outlandish claims, they?re either full of it or they?re planning to use unethical SEO techniques to get your results. If they do this, they may get you banned from the Search Engines. Equally, Money-Back Guarantees are a sign that you should avoid the SEO service. Avoid.

Then another type is dedicated SEO consultancy. You can not consider cost consideration if you need the quality in promotion tasks. In this type you can avail the services of seo consultants at any time, you can discuss your problems, queries and get a smooth flow of advice. Some consultants charge on hourly basis and some charge partially before the beginning of project and rest on the completion. However the payment terms may vary on the project basis. You can avail all types of services such as defining of keywords, writing of content on keyword basis, defining navigation structure, on page and off page optimization techniques and other internet marketing activities.

The first step in an SEO process is finding the right Keywords. It is likely to depend on the perfect keywords and high-quality content in the website.
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Mild Tebowmania as Jets open camp


AP Pro Football Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 5:19 p.m. ET July 26, 2012

CORTLAND, N.Y. (AP) - Fans chanting his name and carrying banners proclaiming his greatness - or otherwise - will have to wait a couple of days. As the New York Jets reported to training camp Thursday, Tim Tebow simply was another player.

Well, almost. Tebow had to chuckle when asked about the legions of media that follow his every move, even when nothing more is required of him or his teammates than showing up.

With perhaps 50 reporters, cameramen and broadcasters on hand at SUNY Cortland, it didn't look much different than one of Tebow's postgame gatherings in Denver last season. Surely, the focus is not the same: Tebow now is a backup to Mark Sanchez, as everyone from the head coach to the offensive coordinator made clear for the millionth time.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



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Friday, July 27, 2012

WSJ: Apple, Google reportedly in rival groups to buy Kodak patents

Kodachrome 200 film box

Kodak might be cleared to sell its patents, but it's likely no fan of the companies lined up to make a deal. The Wall Street Journal's best friends, "people familiar with the matter," assert that Apple and Google are part of separate coalitions hoping to buy the 1,100 patents up for grabs. Apple's camp supposedly includes Microsoft and controversial patent holder Intellectual Ventures; Google's team reads more like an Android Justice League, with HTC, LG, Samsung and "patent risk solutions" provider RPX all playing a part. Real or not, there's still much that's up in the air. Kodak's not talking, and even the touted insiders warn both of new challengers and allegiances that could be in flux over the next few days. If there's meat on this rumor bone, however, it could make the August 8th auction another patent war spectacle rather than a mere ticket back to solvency for Kodak. Break out the popcorn.

[Image credit: Pittaya Sroilong, Flickr]

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WSJ: Apple, Google reportedly in rival groups to buy Kodak patents originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 17:58:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Teens React to Philip DeFranco - YouTube

sxephil Bonus Reactions: LIKE & FAV!
Teens or Kids React every Sunday! Subscribe:
Watch all episodes of REACT (Kids Teens Elders):
Watch our weekly sitcom MyMusic!

Subscribe to Philip DeFranco!

Created and Directed by Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Brothers)
P.O. BOX 4324
Valley Village, CA 91617-4324

Subscribe to Philip DeFranco

And his new channel SOURCEFED!
This episode featured the following cool teenagers!
NOTE: Teens on the show must be at least 14 and in high school, any teens on Kids React will "graduate" to Teens React when they enter high school.
Eric, age 15
Lia, age 15
Victor, age 15
Adam, age 16
Alix, age 16
Rachel, age 16
Rumor, age 16
Sam, age 16
Isaac, age 17
Jade, age 17
Devin, age 18
If you see this, type "TEENS REACT FTW" in the comments - and please LIKE/FAV!

Music by Cormac Bluestone
Graphics by Will Hyler
Teens React #18 - Philip DeFranco
Teens React to Sxephil
Teens React to YouTube stars - SXEPHIL - Philip DeFranco

TAGS: sxephil, philip defranco,, phillyd, sourcefed, Teens React, comedy, social media, focus group, thefinebros, news, news report,

? TEENS REACT - Fine Brothers Films 2012
? TEENS REACT - Fine Brothers Productions 2012


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Learn The Secrets Of Business With Sales Training Companies ...

By Wendell S. Boren

When business needs a lift, online sales training courses can help. With the skills learnt from these packages, a person is much more equipped to make much more progress with potential clients. There are times in work where there seems to be little movement with sales, regardless of the efforts of the staff. It could be because of below average performance, a bad section of potential client information or just because of a slump in spending. Whatever the reason, an internet module designed to improve sales skills is a good idea.

The very thought of returning to structured study scares most adults. Long lesson plans make it easy to daydream and stop listening, causing confusion later down the line. Online sales training courses are designed to be different. Each class is an online video designed to be brief enough to stay inside the window of a person?s concentration. Each portion has fresh ideas and thoughts, but not so many that it is hard to take in at the same time. It makes the whole process much more compelling and pleasant, rather than being a chore.

There is the provision to watch and re-watch material at any point with sales skills training lessons. The person enrolled on the course can do it without going into a classroom. People can even watch the lessons in their lunch hour at their desk if they are concerned about compromising their selling time. Each installment of the program will have beneficial suggestions that can be tried straight away. There are also many different programs for when a person needs that little extra boost.

For most people, the no-obligation aspect of this system is what will be most appealing. This is unlike colleges, where the classes run on for months and don?t advertise an easy cancellation. With sales training companies, people can take breaks from the course, or alternatively speed up their learning. Users can cancel whenever they want without having to explain it to anyone or pay any money to do so. It is clear that these styles of courses have been designed specifically around the busy sales person.

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Romney plans foreign trip, audition as US leader

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Mitt Romney auditions on the international stage next week as he travels to England, Israel and Poland looking to establish credibility as a potential commander in chief in his challenge to President Barack Obama.

For the Republican presidential hopeful ? a former private equity executive and Massachusetts governor with little formal experience overseas ? it's a chance to demonstrate competence in settings often occupied by presidents. He'll hold formal meetings with foreign leaders, give public speeches and visit historic sites.

Aides say it's a chance for the candidate to forge links with strong U.S. allies and show that he'll stand up for shared values.

"This trip is an opportunity for us to demonstrate a clear and resolute stand with nations that share our values and possess the fortitude to defend those values in the name of a more peaceful world," said Lanhee Chen, Romney's policy director.

There's also risk: Romney, sometimes prone to misstatements, faces higher stakes wading into delicate diplomatic disputes than he does on the more familiar campaign trail at home. And executing a complicated trip through three countries over a weeklong span presents the most difficult logistical challenge Romney's campaign has yet faced.

The centerpiece of the trip is a politically delicate visit to Israel, where he meets with top leaders who are closing in on a critical decision about whether to launch a military strike on Iran that is opposed by the Obama administration. The relationship with Israel and the question of what to do about Iran's suspected nuclear weapons ambitions represent one of the starkest contrasts between Obama and Romney, who mostly has defined his foreign policy largely in terms of his opponent.

"If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if you elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon," Romney said last year at a GOP primary debate focused on foreign policy.

The Israel visit comes on July 28, when Romney will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. Ambassador Daniel Shapiro and President Shimon Peres. Romney advisers won't say if he will visit the West Bank, but he does plan a meeting with Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian Authority prime minister.

The trip will be Romney's fourth visit to Israel. He visited in 2011 and gave a speech at the Herzliya Conference in 2007, an address his advisers say will guide his visit next week.

"I believe that Iran's leaders and ambitions represent the greatest threat to the world since the fall of the Soviet Union, and before that, Nazi Germany," Romney said during his 2007 speech.

The trip also will allow him to reach out to Jewish voters in the U.S., and also to evangelical Christians ? a critical portion of the Republican base traditionally zealous about protecting the Jewish state.

"I think, by and large, you can just look at the things the president has done and do the opposite," Romney told an evangelical Christian group in June when asked how he would approach the American relationship with Israel.

Israel is just one of the areas where Romney has drawn sharp contrasts with Obama without always outlining a clear alternative. He's done that with a series of international events, including a crisis over Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng and a hot-mic comment Obama made to then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

But Romney's advisers said he plans to be careful not to be seen obviously attacking the president while overseas, following longstanding tradition that U.S. politicians don't criticize their country's leader while abroad.

"The contrasts will be kept here in the States," said Andrea Saul, a Romney spokeswoman.

For Romney, the trip will highlight an area where polls show he lags behind his Democratic opponent. A CBS/New York Times poll this week gave Obama a 47 percent to 40 percent lead over Romney on which candidate Americans think would better handle foreign policy.

Romney plans to outline his foreign policy vision in a speech Tuesday to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Reno, Nev., before flying to London and the Olympic Games. He goes to Israel from there and finishes in Poland. While abroad, he plans major speeches in Jerusalem and Warsaw, though advisers say he'll steer clear of outlining specific policy proposals in those addresses.

Romney does not plan to stop in Afghanistan, where the U.S. is still fighting a decade-long war, or Iraq, where Obama ended U.S. military involvement as promised. Visiting Afghanistan could have drawn a war-weary public's focus to the ongoing conflict and forced Romney to outline more specifics on how he would handle the war as president. So far, Romney has sought to keep his options open on questions like when to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Obama visited Afghanistan during the 2008 campaign, but the then-Illinois senator was part of a larger congressional delegation.

Romney visited Afghanistan in 2011. Aides said he's skipping it this time because of a tight schedule.

Throughout the trip, Romney will face inevitable comparisons with Obama, whose overseas trip to seven countries during the 2008 campaign culminated with a speech to an audience of 200,000 at the Victory Column in Berlin.

At his first stop, in London, Romney plans meetings with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, Foreign Secretary William Hague, and Ed Miliband, who leads the opposition Labour Party. He plans fundraisers, where attendees will likely include bankers and others from London's financial sector.

Great Britain is America's most important global ally, and the special relationship between the two countries is a primary focus for any new president or secretary of state. Typically, meetings with British leaders are among the first any new American leader holds after taking office.

The Olympics, kicking off July 27 in London, could also offer Romney opportunities for additional meetings with foreign leaders, many of whom will be there for the beginning of the games. Romney advisers said efforts continue to set up additional meetings.

Romney plans to attend the Olympic opening ceremonies and some of the early competitions. The events offer Romney an opportunity to highlight his record at the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, where he was brought in to run the organizing committee following a bribery scandal. So far, he hasn't talked much on the campaign trail about his role at the Olympics, and it's been mostly absent from his TV commercials. That's likely to change in London, where Romney plans a major interview with NBC News' Brian Williams.

Romney isn't part of the official U.S. presence at the international competition. First lady Michelle Obama will lead the U.S. delegation.

In Poland, Romney will visit a deeply Roman Catholic country that for years has favored Republicans over Democrats. The visit, campaign officials said, comes at the invitation of Lech Walesa, the Polish labor leader who co-founded the Solidarity movement and served as Poland's president during the country's transition out of communism. Romney will meet with Walesa in the Solidarity birthplace, Gdansk, and also hold meetings in Warsaw.

In Poland, Romney will have an opportunity to criticize Obama's so-called political "reset" with Russia after U.S.-Russian ties deteriorated badly under President George W. Bush, as well as the Obama administration's decision not to build a missile defense base in Poland.

Romney has referred to Russia as America's "No. 1 geopolitical foe."

He'll likely receive a warm welcome. Poles have never showed the enthusiasm for Obama that Germans and other Western Europeans did, and his popularity there has declined further during his years in office. But for Romney, the critical audience for his Poland trip is likely the many U.S. citizens with Polish ancestry who live in critical swing states across the American Midwest.


Associated Press Deputy Polling Director Jennifer Agiesta in Washington and writer Vanessa Gera in Poland contributed to this report.


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Hair samples from infants show exposure to anti-HIV drugs in the womb and during breast-feeding

Hair samples from infants show exposure to anti-HIV drugs in the womb and during breast-feeding [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Jul-2012
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Contact: Jeff Sheehy
University of California - San Francisco

Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Makerere University in Uganda have used hair and blood samples from three-month old infants born to HIV-positive mothers to measure the uninfected babies' exposureboth in the womb and from breast-feedingto antiretroviral medications their mothers were taking. The results, they said, are surprising.

"We found high levels of exposure to three antiretroviral medications in the hair samples of HIV uninfected infants at twelve weeks of life," said study senior author, Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine at the UCSF Division of HIV/AIDS at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (SFGH).

"From looking at plasma level data at the same time point, we believe that transfer of two of the medicines from mother to baby occurs exclusively in the womb and transfer of the third medication occurs both in the womb and through breastfeeding."

The findings could lead to new ways to protect infants from HIV transmission and to better understand the development of toxicities and resistance to the drugs, the researchers said.

A single plasma level of a medication reflects drug exposure over approximately 24 hours. Measuring the concentrations of antiretrovirals in a small hair sample reveals exposure over the past month. The team therefore measured both plasma and hair levels of medications in babies whose mothers were taking HIV medications to get a better idea of when drugs are being passed from mother to baby. "Since fetuses start growing hair in the womb, hair sampling gives us an opportunity to examine exposures to drug before birth," said Gandhi.

UCSF researchers have pioneered the use of hair sampling for measuring antiretroviral levels. The procedure is now a standard measure in many research studies, equivalent in HIV clinical care to measuring hemoglobin A1C to monitor average blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes.

In the study, the team took hair and blood samples from two groups of HIV-positive mothers, all of whom breast-fed their infants. For 45 mother/infant pairs, the mothers' antiretroviral regimens included a protease inhibitor, lopinavir, boosted by ritonavir, another antiretroviral medication. The other 64 mothers were on an efavirenz-based regimen.

Infants in the lopinavir group had levels of the drug in their hair that measured 87 percent of the levels found in their mothers' hair. The levels of ritonavir were about 45 percent of the levels found in their mothers' hair. When the researchers looked at the drug levels in the blood drawn from the mothers and infants at 12 weeks, they found the expected levels of lopinavir and ritonavir in the mothers, but none of either in the blood of the infants.

"The inability to find drug in the infants' blood at 12 weeks tells us that the lopinavir and ritonavir in their hair is not due to recent exposure, so breast-feeding did not transfer these drugs to the infants. Our conclusion is that the lopinavir and ritonavir were transferred to the babies in the womb, and lopinavir at quite a high level," said Gandhi.

In the efavirenz group, researchers found infant drug levels in hair samples that were about 40 percent of the levels found in their mothers. Additionally, they found that infants had levels in their blood that were about 15 percent of what was found in their mothers.

These findings indicate a moderate transfer of efavirenz both in the womb and during breastfeeding said Gandhi.

"Our findings, as we verify them, will have important implications. One, being able to measure drug exposures of fetuses in the womb and during breast-feeding can help us understand how to better protect infants from HIV transmission from HIV-positive mothers during pregnancy, birth and after birth. Antiretroviral medications are delivered prophylactically to HIV-positive mothers and newborns to prevent transmission, and fetuses derive protection from transmission if their HIV-positive mothers are on an antiretroviral regimen," she said.

"Second, the development of resistance to antiretroviral medications in infants is an important issue. HIV develops resistant mutations after fairly low levels of exposure to the class of medications to which efavirenz belongs, non-nucleoside transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). Additionally, hair sampling for antiretroviral exposure levels will ultimately help us monitor toxicities associated with these medications in infants."

Using hair to measure exposure to antiretrovirals has advantages in that it is a painless, bloodless, biohazard-free method of collecting a stable specimen from HIV patients. It measures drug exposure over time and has been shown to be more predictive of treatment response than the "snapshot" of exposure provided by a single plasma level of medication.

Gandhi said that researchers are finding hair sampling to be a very useful tool in several settings. One use is in resource-limited settings where collecting, storing and handling blood draws is difficult and expensive. Hair is snipped, wrapped in foil and needs no refrigeration.

Another setting is in monitoring drug exposures in uninfected people. Researchers have been using the technique to measure adherence/drug levels in some of the pre-exposure prophylaxis trials, where high-risk uninfected patients take antiretrovirals to prevent getting infected with HIV. Non HIV-infected individuals cannot be monitored for adherence to antiretrovirals like HIV-infected individuals (where levels of HIV in the blood are measured routinely to indicate how well they are taking their pills) so hair levels provide a novel and reliable indicator of adherence.

A third setting is for monitoring prenatal exposures. Hair sampling is the only way currently to measure how much antiretroviral exposure fetuses are getting in the womb long-term. Cord blood measurements of antiretrovirals at birth, which are expensive and cumbersome to collect, still only reflect exposure to the babies over the short-term. And collecting hair levels is a much easier technique for monitoring drug exposure levels in infants, especially when compared to blood draws.

This work will be presented at 11:15 a.m. ET on Saturday July 21, 2012 during the 4th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, which takes in Washington, D.C. preceding the XIX International AIDS Conference. A poster presentation of the same data, titled, "Lopinavir and efavirenz concentrations in paired hair samples as a marker of cumulative exposure among postpartum women and breastfeeding infants in Tororo, Uganda" will be unveiled at the XIX International AIDS Conference at 3:00 p.m. ET on Sunday, July 22, 2012.


Study co-authors include Jane Achan, Deborah Cohan, Frances Aweeka, Julie Mwesigwa, Yong Huang, Albert Plenty, Edwin Charlebois, Theodore Ruel, Veronica Ades, Tamara D. Clark, Paul Natureeba, Moses R. Kamya, and Diane V. Havlir (principal investigator of the study), from the Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration, UCSF-Makerere University, Tororo, Uganda.

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Office of AIDS Research, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief provided funding for this research.

The UCSF Division of HIV/AIDS at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center is affiliated with the AIDS Research Institute (ARI) at UCSF. UCSF ARI houses hundreds of scientists and dozens of programs throughout UCSF and affiliated labs and institutions, making ARI one of the largest AIDS research entities in the world.

UCSF is a leading university dedicated to advancing health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Hair samples from infants show exposure to anti-HIV drugs in the womb and during breast-feeding [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Jul-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Jeff Sheehy
University of California - San Francisco

Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Makerere University in Uganda have used hair and blood samples from three-month old infants born to HIV-positive mothers to measure the uninfected babies' exposureboth in the womb and from breast-feedingto antiretroviral medications their mothers were taking. The results, they said, are surprising.

"We found high levels of exposure to three antiretroviral medications in the hair samples of HIV uninfected infants at twelve weeks of life," said study senior author, Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine at the UCSF Division of HIV/AIDS at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (SFGH).

"From looking at plasma level data at the same time point, we believe that transfer of two of the medicines from mother to baby occurs exclusively in the womb and transfer of the third medication occurs both in the womb and through breastfeeding."

The findings could lead to new ways to protect infants from HIV transmission and to better understand the development of toxicities and resistance to the drugs, the researchers said.

A single plasma level of a medication reflects drug exposure over approximately 24 hours. Measuring the concentrations of antiretrovirals in a small hair sample reveals exposure over the past month. The team therefore measured both plasma and hair levels of medications in babies whose mothers were taking HIV medications to get a better idea of when drugs are being passed from mother to baby. "Since fetuses start growing hair in the womb, hair sampling gives us an opportunity to examine exposures to drug before birth," said Gandhi.

UCSF researchers have pioneered the use of hair sampling for measuring antiretroviral levels. The procedure is now a standard measure in many research studies, equivalent in HIV clinical care to measuring hemoglobin A1C to monitor average blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes.

In the study, the team took hair and blood samples from two groups of HIV-positive mothers, all of whom breast-fed their infants. For 45 mother/infant pairs, the mothers' antiretroviral regimens included a protease inhibitor, lopinavir, boosted by ritonavir, another antiretroviral medication. The other 64 mothers were on an efavirenz-based regimen.

Infants in the lopinavir group had levels of the drug in their hair that measured 87 percent of the levels found in their mothers' hair. The levels of ritonavir were about 45 percent of the levels found in their mothers' hair. When the researchers looked at the drug levels in the blood drawn from the mothers and infants at 12 weeks, they found the expected levels of lopinavir and ritonavir in the mothers, but none of either in the blood of the infants.

"The inability to find drug in the infants' blood at 12 weeks tells us that the lopinavir and ritonavir in their hair is not due to recent exposure, so breast-feeding did not transfer these drugs to the infants. Our conclusion is that the lopinavir and ritonavir were transferred to the babies in the womb, and lopinavir at quite a high level," said Gandhi.

In the efavirenz group, researchers found infant drug levels in hair samples that were about 40 percent of the levels found in their mothers. Additionally, they found that infants had levels in their blood that were about 15 percent of what was found in their mothers.

These findings indicate a moderate transfer of efavirenz both in the womb and during breastfeeding said Gandhi.

"Our findings, as we verify them, will have important implications. One, being able to measure drug exposures of fetuses in the womb and during breast-feeding can help us understand how to better protect infants from HIV transmission from HIV-positive mothers during pregnancy, birth and after birth. Antiretroviral medications are delivered prophylactically to HIV-positive mothers and newborns to prevent transmission, and fetuses derive protection from transmission if their HIV-positive mothers are on an antiretroviral regimen," she said.

"Second, the development of resistance to antiretroviral medications in infants is an important issue. HIV develops resistant mutations after fairly low levels of exposure to the class of medications to which efavirenz belongs, non-nucleoside transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). Additionally, hair sampling for antiretroviral exposure levels will ultimately help us monitor toxicities associated with these medications in infants."

Using hair to measure exposure to antiretrovirals has advantages in that it is a painless, bloodless, biohazard-free method of collecting a stable specimen from HIV patients. It measures drug exposure over time and has been shown to be more predictive of treatment response than the "snapshot" of exposure provided by a single plasma level of medication.

Gandhi said that researchers are finding hair sampling to be a very useful tool in several settings. One use is in resource-limited settings where collecting, storing and handling blood draws is difficult and expensive. Hair is snipped, wrapped in foil and needs no refrigeration.

Another setting is in monitoring drug exposures in uninfected people. Researchers have been using the technique to measure adherence/drug levels in some of the pre-exposure prophylaxis trials, where high-risk uninfected patients take antiretrovirals to prevent getting infected with HIV. Non HIV-infected individuals cannot be monitored for adherence to antiretrovirals like HIV-infected individuals (where levels of HIV in the blood are measured routinely to indicate how well they are taking their pills) so hair levels provide a novel and reliable indicator of adherence.

A third setting is for monitoring prenatal exposures. Hair sampling is the only way currently to measure how much antiretroviral exposure fetuses are getting in the womb long-term. Cord blood measurements of antiretrovirals at birth, which are expensive and cumbersome to collect, still only reflect exposure to the babies over the short-term. And collecting hair levels is a much easier technique for monitoring drug exposure levels in infants, especially when compared to blood draws.

This work will be presented at 11:15 a.m. ET on Saturday July 21, 2012 during the 4th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, which takes in Washington, D.C. preceding the XIX International AIDS Conference. A poster presentation of the same data, titled, "Lopinavir and efavirenz concentrations in paired hair samples as a marker of cumulative exposure among postpartum women and breastfeeding infants in Tororo, Uganda" will be unveiled at the XIX International AIDS Conference at 3:00 p.m. ET on Sunday, July 22, 2012.


Study co-authors include Jane Achan, Deborah Cohan, Frances Aweeka, Julie Mwesigwa, Yong Huang, Albert Plenty, Edwin Charlebois, Theodore Ruel, Veronica Ades, Tamara D. Clark, Paul Natureeba, Moses R. Kamya, and Diane V. Havlir (principal investigator of the study), from the Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration, UCSF-Makerere University, Tororo, Uganda.

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Office of AIDS Research, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief provided funding for this research.

The UCSF Division of HIV/AIDS at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center is affiliated with the AIDS Research Institute (ARI) at UCSF. UCSF ARI houses hundreds of scientists and dozens of programs throughout UCSF and affiliated labs and institutions, making ARI one of the largest AIDS research entities in the world.

UCSF is a leading university dedicated to advancing health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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