Monday, April 1, 2013

Politics, Priorities, Psychology and Hope WITHIN The Black ...

Past Failed Governance Of The Community And Schools That Lead To The Present Flawed Remedy That Is Taking Place In The Criminal Justice System

The money that is going to be spent prosecuting the educators who are accused of conspiring to doctor the standardized tests to paint the picture of effective educational reforms should be invested in a system of more effective managerial controls WITHIN the 'Atlanta Public Schools System". ?

Ironically the management development consulting services that are desperately needed by Atlanta, Dekalb and Clayton County Schools - that are provided by the AdvancED company - are seen as proof that there is a conspiracy to profit off of Black children by engineering a fake crisis.

If we agree that there is a GOVERNANCE crisis then it seems that the solution is to put these development services out to bid rather than sole sourcing them to AdvacED, a sister organization to SACS - the accreditation agency.

I am satisfied that there was a pattern of corruption at the hands of the educators in Atlanta that resulted in "test fixing". ? The ability of the court system to use "hearsay" and "circumstantial" evidence to obtain a criminal conviction is going to further splinter the community of adults that CLAIM to want to advance the interests of the school children.

I see several layers of culpability here:

  1. Teachers that directly altered tests/gave students answers should be terminated from the school system
  2. Principals that engaged in?racketeering in which they orchestrated their staff to alter the tests should be fired and lose their teaching licenses. ??
    1. There are a few of these principals that have enough evidence to be criminally charged. ?The District Attorney should focus on these people
  3. The executive level leadership (Beverly Hall, etc) - who failed to implement sufficient controls over the testing administration should be fired. ? Their careers are forever tarnished with the news of this scandal.
Having worked a government job for 5 years in my past - the news that the leadership failed to implement sufficient controls - is not news. ? I don't believe that it is "criminal" unless the district attorney can prove direct initiative to induce cheating.

Beverly Hall and the "Atlanta School System" accepted the glory of the claimed success in reforming the school system per the results on the tests. ?We now know that many of these gains were manufactured.

Dr Hall announced several years ago her "We All We Got" strategy. ? No longer would she focus on what other school systems are doing. ?Instead she was to focus on working with the students that the district has to work with. ?This required more structured focus upon the schools.


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